The Indian film industry is enjoying a whale of a time in Hollywood. Looks like the East-meets-West season has finally arrived. After Aishwarya Rai, A.R. Rahman and other Bollywood biggies, it is a Tamil/ Hindi movie's turn to make it to Hollywood. Yes, Yavarum Nalam (13B in Hindi) is to be remade in Hollywood.
The Weinstein Company, one of the largest and most popular film production houses and distributors in the world, has grabbed the remake rights of Yavarum Nalam. This is the first time an Indian film's remake rights have been snapped by a Hollywood production house. Associated with films like Halloween (2007), Rambo (2008), The Nutty Professor (2008) and The Outlander (2008), the producers of Weinstein Company came across the synopsis of Yavarum Nalam at the Berlin International Film Festival's film market and immediately grabbed its remake rights.
Directed by Vikram K. Kumar, starring Madhavan and Neetu Chandra, Yavarum Nalam is a refreshing, bilingual (Tamil and Hindi) film in the horror genre. The director, who is on Cloud Nine with this news, says, “I’m on top of the world. I am too excited and it’s taking time to sink in. After Yavarum Nalam released here, one of their representatives saw the film and really liked it. Normally, we get inspiration from Hollywood flicks and remake them in our country. But, for the first time ever, an Indian film is being remade in Hollywood. It’s truly a great honour.” A great honour indeed. Hope the film achieves box office success in Hollywood also!
Monday, March 16, 2009
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