Don't let the economic woes prevent you from getting the top notch training you need. Inexpensive and highly recommended offerings from EC-Council. First of all, let's cut through the baloney, with small exception, most IT certification programs represent a business model and one or more revenue streams for a technology vendor or vendor consortium. The EC-Council, such as it is, is no different from most other programs in this regard.
Whether you need courses for a specific job role, or to expand your technical expertise in securing your company's information, or just because you were intrigued by the opportunity to learn what the Hackers know, Join EC-Council for a first look at Security Fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Compter Forenics, Penetration Testing, Disaster Recovery, or Secure Programming.
Being a hacker, it would help companies tighten their IT Security. Ethical Hacking means White hat hackers, also known as "ethical hackers," are computer security experts, who specialize in penetration testing, and other testing methodologies, to ensure that a company's information systems are secure. The Certified Ethical Hacker from Specialized Solutions enables the system administrator with critical information to identify, counter and stop or defend hackers from penetrating the corporate network. With this certification, you will begin to understand how a hacker thinks and what tactics they use to penetrate corporate networks. This allows system administrators to deploy proactive countermeasures and stay ahead of information security developments and exploited vulnerabilities.
Hundreds of IT Professionals have had joined EC-Council for our FREE. EC Council brought about these events to give IT Professionals a chance to come and see what the BUZZ is all about prior to attending a class. What are you waiting for, Come join the next First LOOK! Event in Secure Coding, Ethical Hacking and become a Certified Ethical Hacker. Contribute your part to your company in their security concerns.