The Morning Glory Pool is a hot spring in Yellowstone Park, named in this peculiar manner, not because it arouses men first thing in the morning, but because it, apparently, resembles a morning glory flower. The colours are due to bacteria, which give it the bright, comic-book style colours, but that's a-changin'.
Long a favored destination for park visitors, Morning Glory Pool was named in the 1880s for its remarkable likeness to its namesake flower. However, this beautiful pool has fallen victim to vandalism. People have thrown literally tons of coins, trash, rocks, and logs into the pool. Much of the debris subsequently became embedded in the sides and vent of the spring, affectin

However, this beautiful pool has fallen victim to vandalism. People have thrown literally tons of coins, trash, rocks, and logs into the pool. Much of the debris subsequently became embedded in the sides and vent of the spring, affecting water circulation and accelerating the loss of thermal energy.
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