Friday, July 25, 2008

Professional's Treat...

Friends I almost forgot to inform you all about the treat we had last week. An emerging(already emerged) Professional G.Karthik celebrated his first month salary with us in restaurant near Adyar. He was the first person to join his work place, joined Sai-com solutions the day next to our final exams. He was dodging us with his first month salary treat, but my friends never gave him to even think about wat to do with his salary.

He decided to give us treat anywhere of our choice and let us to decided the place. We atlast planned some place near by and decided to go for Rain Forest. As many of my friends haven't been to that place, I preferred Rain Forest. Had a great dinner there for almost 3hours. Then moved from there to beasant nagar beach for a final touch with ice creams and as usual some fun in the beach sand. Had a great evening with all my friends with few left out for the evening. Its very difficult to bring all these guys to a place, we did it once and want another day with none left behind for the get together.

1 comment:

Deepak said...

Thats cool da.. Looks like the whole gang was there. I actually don't even recognize a few.. :s